SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 31

Educational FIDGCSystem
• FIDDetector
• On-Column Injector
• Carrier &CombustionGasElectronicPressure
Control (EPC)
• TemperatureProgrammableColumnOven
• 1channel PeakSimpleDataSystem
• 1meter SilicaGel Column
...on theultracompact 310chassis
The educational FID GC System is ideal for undergraduate
chemistry classes where the principles of chromatography
are demonstrated or for graduate level research. This same
GC iswidelyused in thrifty labs for general organicsanalysis
because of its low cost and upgradability* with our wide
selectionof detectors and injectors, incaseanalytical needs
change in the future.
The carrier gas and the FID combustion gases are all controlled by programmable electronic pressure
regulators (EPCs). EPCs not only provide rock-solid retention time reproducibility, but allow the carrier
gas to be pressure ramped (just as the column oven
is temperature ramped) from the built-in PeakSimple
data system.
The column oven is temperature programmable
up to 300°C and comes with fast cool-down fans.
The educational FID GC System for the carrier gas
provides rock-solid retention time reproducibility.
This chromatogram shows a separation of 1000ppm
hydrocarbons in room air using the 1 meter
silica gel column.
The on-column injector is ideal for 1/8” packed or 0.53mm wide-bore capillary columns and is suitable
for analytes ranging frommethane to heavy, high-boiling hydrocarbons(C
+). The column oven accepts
column cage diameters up to 4 inches, is programmable up to 300°C and recycles quickly with its high
speed cool-down fans.
Educational FIDGCSystem
(VOLTAGE: for 115VAC, use 0310-0004-1; for 230VAC, use 0310-0004-2)
*Educational models are less expensive than equivalent GCsmanufactured “à la carte” because of batch
manufacturing eficiencies. No customizationof educational models is availableprior to initial sale,
althoughnormal factory retroit services are available after delivery.
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