SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 18

Medical HerbPotency/PesticidesGasChromatograph
Medical CannabisAnalysis
The GC coniguration permits two separate analyses,
whichcanbe runsimultaneously. Theirst analysis is for
potency (CBD, THCandCBN) usingaFIDdetector. The
second analysis is for pesticides in cannabis usingdual
detectors. The NPD (nitrogen phosphorus detector)
measures organo-phosphorus pesticides (Malathion)
and many of the carbamate pesticides (Sevin). The
DELCD (dryelectrolyticconductivitydetector)measures
organo-chlorine pesticides like Dursban, DDT and
The photos at right show the three columns, three
detectors anddual injectors, whichmake this possible.
This GC coniguration is appropriate for users with
prior GC experience since the pesticide screen idmore
complex than thepotency test. It shouldbeunderstood
that while 90% of all pesticides can be detected with
thisGCconiguration, it isnotpossible tomeasureevery
possiblepesticidesince therearehundredsof pesticide
molecules ina varietyof chemical classes. It doesallow
theuser toscreen formost commonpesticides inavery
cost effective (less than$.25per analysis)manner using
only 0.1grams of sample.
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