SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 15

8610CMedical HerbPotencyGasChromatograph
• Flame IonizationDetector (FID)
• 400degreeCelsius columnoven
• Built-in incubator for heatedextractions
• 15meterCapillatory column
• PeakSimpleDataSystembuilt-in
• Hydrogen regulator/tubingkit
• Fieldportable system
• Heavyduty shippingcontainer
• Lowpower consumption (<800watts)
• Ships viaFedEx/UPSor airlinebaggage
• Small footprint for crowded labbenches
• Friendly, easy to reachUS tech support
• Free training
• Two yearwarranty
• Made inUSA
The SRI 8610C is the perfect size GC (gas chromatograph) for measuring CBD, THC and CBN levels
in medical cannabis. It can also be used to test for synthetic canabinoids like SPICE, butane residuals,
terpenes, aromas, and most edibles. The SRI 8610C is rugged enough for mobile applications and light
enough tocarryaround. Simpleoperationmakes trainingnewoperatorseasy. Thebuilt in50degreeCelsius
incubator speedsup theextractionprocessand ishelpful ingettingconcentratesand/orbutters todissolve.
A small cylinder of hydrogen (customer supplied) is used for carrier gas and lasts formonths. The regulator
and tubing for the cylinder is provided. Analysis time is about 8minutes, so up to 7 samples an hour can
be analyzed. The included PeakSimple software (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/8) controls the GC as well as
acquiring and calibrating the data. Simple one-click export of the data to Excel or Wordmakes your inal
report look professional. Get half a day of free trainingwith your GC at our tech support center near LAX
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