SRI-CatEuro-2014_Page_01.tif - page 14

• TCDDetector
• 10-port GasSamplingValve
• 1channel PeakSimpleDataSystem
• 30meter x 0.53mmMXT-1CapillaryColumn
• 1meterHayeSep-DColumn
...on thecompact 8610Cchassis
TheBTUGasAnalyzer GC system is preplumbed and ready
to measure N2, methane, CO
, ethane, H
O, propane, iso-
and normal butanes, iso- and normal pentanes and C
backlush. The main beneits of the SRI BTU Gas Analyzer
system are simplicity, low cost and the ability to determine
thewater content of the gas.
ThisBTUGC iscustomizedwithanFIDdetector,
an additional gas sampling valve, and a built-in
6 channel PeakSimpledata system.
The SRI BTUGas Analyzer uses just a single
10 port gas sampling valve and two columns,
and is tolerant of valve timing variations or
operator adjustments. Unlike the widely
used competitive micro GCs, the SRI BTU
Gas Analyzer GC system is not only tolerant
of water in the sample gas, but it actually
minute analysis may be longer than a micro
GC analysis, but the BTUGC does not need
bakingout between runs. Therefore, about the
same number of runs may be made per day
with theBTUGC aswith a typical microGC.
Thischromatogramshows theseparationofanatural
gas sample in less than7minutes by aBTUGC.
TheBTUGasAnalyzer canbe coniguredwith a TCDdetector only, for detection limits in the 200-500ppm
range. Other detectors can be added, such as the HID, FID, or FPD for applications requiring higher
sensitivity or selectivity.
OPTIONS&UPGRADES: additional detectorswith a 6 channel USBPeakSimpledata system, FID,
Methanizer, split/splitless andPTV injectors, additional gas sampling valves, additional columns
(VOLTAGE: for 115VAC, use 8610-3070-1; for 230VAC, use 8610-3070-2)
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