SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 583

To inject a calibration standardusea
10ul syringe todeposit a calibration
solutionon thepreviously desorbed
soil in the tube.
At SRI weuseamixtureof normal
C10, N-C12… throughnormal C28hy-
drocarbonsat 1000ppm inmethanol
asa testmix for theThermal Soil De-
sorber. If we spike1ul of thismixture
into1gramof soil, this is theequiva-
lent of 1ugof eachhydrocarbonor 1
ppmbyweight. The resulting chroma-
togram isshownat right.
Weevaluate thechromatogramby
looking for:
1) Sharpwell definedpeaks. This indi
2) cates that thereareno cold spots
whichwould smear thepeaks
3) Roughlyequal areacounts for each
peak. Sometimes theC28peak is
lower because the temperature is
not hot enough to completelyde-
sorb it from the tube.
Thermal Soil Desorber Instructions
September 2006
Normal C10
Normal C28
Normal C16
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