SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 582

Thehydrocarbons in the soil arede-
sorbed into the columnand separated.
It ishelpful toenter anEvent table
similar to theone shown toauto-zero
thedetector signal at thebeginningof
the run, and tomakea soundat begin-
ningof the run ( to verify that thedata
systemhasbeen started ), andan-
other soundat the1.00minutemark to
remind you to remove thedesorber
Youwill alsoneed toenter anappro-
priateoven temperatureprogram such
as theone shown. Generally, the tem-
perature shouldbe low ( 40-50C ) for
the first twominutes to focus thede-
sorbedhydrocarbons at thebeginning
of the column. The temperature is
then ramped to250-350Cat 10-30de-
greesperminute toelute thehydrocar-
bons. Theexact programselectedwill
dependon the typeof sample, re-
quired resolutionand timeavailable.
Thermal Soil Desorber Instructions
September 2006
1...,572,573,574,575,576,577,578,579,580,581 583,584,585,586,587,588,589,590,591,592,...870
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