SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 580

Placeanother plugof glasswool to
sandwich the soil between theglass
wool plugs. Theglasswool shouldbe
tight enough to keep the soil inplace
but not overly compressed.
If the soil is verywet, or ismostly clay
( rather thana sandy soil )mix the soil
50/50 first with sodium sulfate. The
sodium sulfatewill absorb thewater
and the clayparticleswill coat the so-
dium sulfate crystals. The improves
theefficiencyof desorption for clay
Weigh the tubeagainand record the
weight plusanydilution factor if the so-
dium sulfatewasused.
Attach the tube to the carrier gas fitting
using twowrenchesanda3/8” soft
graphite ferrule. If the fitting isnot
over-tightened, the ferrules canbe re-
usedmany times.
Thermal Soil Desorber Instructions
September 2006
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