SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 593

Model 333SingleChannel USBChromatography
DataSystemRelay ( Contact Closure ) Installation
Solder thewhitewire to the10,000
ohm resistor bybendinga little loop
the resistor legandanother loop in the
Place theheat shrink tubingover the
soldered joint ( after you solder it ) and
thenuseaheat gunor cigarette
lighter to shrink the tubingdownover
the joint between thewire and the
resistor to insulate it.
Solder the resistor to the board and
then connect theother endof the
wire ( after you strip the insulation )
toany oneof theTTLoutput screw
terminals ( A,B,C,DE, FGor H ).
In thephotobelow thewire is con-
nected to
output E.
Relay Installation
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