SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 567

ASTM 3612/TOGA/DissolvedGasGC
RevisedOctober 2013
Make sure the 40ml vial is inserted all
theway so you can see the septum.
As the vial is pushed upwards, the
septum is pierced by two needles.
Find some calibration gaswhich con-
tains themolecules youwant to
measure in the liquid. In this example
we are using amixwhich contains
1% each of H2, O2, CO, CH4 and
CO2 in nitrogen. Other gasmixes are
availablewhichmight also include
C2H6, C2H4, C2H2 and others.
Withdraw20ml of the calibration gas
into a 60ml syringewith 27gage nee-
dle ( suppliedwithGC ) and then
push the calibration gas into the vial
as shown. Pierce the vial’s septum
with the 27 gage needle at an angle.
Use anew septum each time since
theholes from apreviouspuncture
will leak.
FPD si
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