SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 554

Calibrating theSRI Mudlogger GC
Total Gas FID
Set theFID#2 gain tomedium.
Adjust the needle valve about one half
turn from fully clockwise or until you get
a reading of about 1000millivolts for
100%methane at 10psi. You can adjust
the needle valve for a slightly higher
reading but at some point as you in-
crease the gas flow, the readingswill
drop and the flamemay even go out.
This is because toomuch combustible
fuel smothers the flame.
If you areworking at a lower range ( 0-
2% for example ) youmaywish to open
the needle valve even further and per-
haps switch to high gain.
You can adjust the gain to .1 tomake
the number equal 100. Or adjust the
gain to any value to read out in your pre-
ferred “units”.
The display has now beenmultiplied
by .1 so 1000millivolts reads as 100 on
the screen.
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