SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 555

TheSRI 8610CGas
Chromatograph isoften
used inmud-loggingappli-
cations to speciateand
measure thenatural gas
components startingwith
methane, ethane, pro-
pane, thebutanes ( iso
andnormal ) thepentanes
( isoandnormal ) and
alsoC6 ( hexane ) and
heavier. TheC6and
heavier components are
after thePentaneelutes
from the column.
Speedof analysis is
sometimes important.
The chromatograms
shownat the right illus-
trategood separationof
all natural gas compo-
nents including theC6+
backflush in less than90
seconds. Where the sam-
pledoesnot containC6+,
a complete separation can
beachieved inabout 50 seconds. TheSRI 8610CGCwasequippedwitha
15meterMXT1 column, anFIDdetector, andagas sampling valveplumbed to
inject andbackflushunder control of the includedPeakSimpledata system.
TheFIDamplifierwas set tomediumgainandmodified to reduce the time
Fast ( 1minute )
natural gas analysis usingan
SRI 8610CGasChromatograph October 23, 2007
Methane, Ethane, Propane, isoandnormal
Butane, isoandnormal Pentane
all separated in50 seconds
C6+backflush in90 seconds
Valve rotation
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