SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 84

SRI 8610CGasChromatograph
MultipleGas #3GC configuration
TheSRI 8610CGasChromatographMulti-
pleGas #3GC configuration is a versatile
low cost way of analyzing
many different kinds of gas
samples. TheGC pictured
at right has twoMultiple
Gas #3 (MG#3 ) configura-
tions implemented in a sin-
gleGC chassis so thereare
two gas sampling valves
and four columns aswell as
four detectors. This iswhy
the column oven looks so
TheMG#3GC configuration is al-
most identical to theMG#1GC con-
figuration except there is an addi-
tional solenoid valvewhichwhen
activated by thePeakSimple data
system stops the flow of carrier gas
in column 1.
When the solenoid valve is actuated
( typicallywhile the gas sampling valve is in
the INJECT position ), column 1 has the
same pressure applied to both its inlet and
outlet. This stops the flow of carrier
gas in column 1. The peakswhich
were in column 1 simply stopmoving
without broadening or distortion.
The flow of carrier gas in column 2
actually increaseswhile the solenoid
is actuated since the full carrier gas
head pressure is now applied across
a shorter restriction ( one column in-
stead of two in series ).
TheMG#3GC configuration is slightlymore
flexible than theMG#1 because the stop
flow capability allows awider selection of
columns tobe used, where theMG#1 only
workswith silica gel asColumn 1 andMole-
Sieve 13XasColumn 2.
Col 1
Col 2
Column 2
Column 2
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