SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 862

Operation of theCobraAutosampler on the
8610V gas chromatograph
Set up the temperature program in
PeakSimple software. See the de-
tailed tutorial and instructions at
for additional infor-
The 8610VGC has powerful cool-
ing fanswhich turn on to bring the
column oven temperature down to
the starting temperature at the end
of the temperature program.
There are also some smaller cool-
ing fanswhich blow air into the col-
umn oven to stabilize the tempera-
ture below 100C. Agate closes at
100Cwhich stops the smaller fans
from blowing the cooling air. For
this reason, it is recommended
that as part of the temperature pro-
gram you add an additional seg-
ment which allows the oven to cool
down below the starting tempera-
ture and then to ramp up slowly.
This prevents theoven fromover-
shooting the starting temperature
due to heat stored in the oven’s
metal structure.
In theexampleat right, the oven is
told to cool to 80C for 2minutes,
then ramp up to 100C ( the starting
temperature ) at 10 degrees per
SRI TechSupport 310-214-5092
Note the end time of
the temperature pro-
gram ( 14minutes )
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