SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 842

Usea small screwdriver or razor
blade to chipor scrape theold
glueoff the topplate. Cleanout
thegroove completely so thereare
nobumps, glassor glue remaining
in thegroove.
Use the
Squeezeabeadof theglue into
thegrooveand thenembed the
newglass cylinder into theglue so
it sits squarely in thegroove.
Wipeoff anyexcesson theoutside
being careful not toplug the8
screw-holeswhichare close to the
outsideof thecylinder. Youcan
leave thebeadof glueon the in-
Replacing the cylinder of theH2 generator cell in
theSRI H2-50 andH2-40
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