SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 845

10 vial Autosampler for greenhouse gases
November 2013
AnySRI GasChromatographwhich is
already equippedwith a gas sampling
valvemay be upgradedwith the addi-
tion of a 10 vial autosampler..
Septum capped vials of 20 or 40ml in
volume ( commonly calledVOA vials )
are filledwith sample gas in the field
and then transported to theGC.
If the vials are already pressurized,
they can be immediately loaded into
the autosampler. If the vials are at
ambient pressure, then the usermust
pressurize the vial ( typically to
10psi ) before inserting the vial into
the sampler.
The vials are simply pushed into the
holes in the top of the sampler. Both
20 and 40ml vials can be used.
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