SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 848

10 vial Autosampler for greenhouse gases
November 2013
A solenoid valve connected inside the
GC downstream of the sample loop
blocks the sample gas from escaping
until the correct time.
During this time a pressure sensor
reads the vial pressure tomake sure
the vial is still pressurized at the time
it is selected. The vial pressure read-
ing is availableononeof the
PeakSimple data system channels,
and theactual vial pressure is
merged into the final GC report.
The 10 positionGasAutosampler is
SRI part# 8690-0047 Nov 2013 price
The solenoid, pressure sensor, and
relay board to control the valve isSRI
part# 8690-0048Nov 2013 price
$1225. These parts are connected
internallywithin theSRI GC.
SRI TechSupport: 310-214-5092
Page 4
Solenoid valveat 
rear of valveoven 
Gas Sampling 
valveand loop
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