SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 361

Autosampler Queue
is for batch reprocessing. Batch reprocessingallowsyou to reprocess the
rawdata throughadesignatedcontrol file. This isuseful in theevent of amistakeoromission, orwhen
header/comment info needs updating. The “Batch reprocessing mode” checkbox to the left of the
“Addmultiple”buttonmust be selected. Then,whenyouclick the“Addmultiple”button, youwill be
prompted to select a control file:
When you select a control file, youwill
be prompted to select one or more data
files (.CHR or .ASC) that you want
reprocessedwith that control file:
The data fileswill then be listed in the
queuewith their corresponding control files.
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