SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 348

Model 333SingleChannel USBChromatography
DataSystemQuickStart Tutorial
Use yourmouse to click on “Edit” and
then “Overall…”
In the “Overall… “ screenenter the
“BoardType” ( 333 ) and then the “USB
device number”.
TheUSB device number is a unique
numberwhich identifies thisparticular
333board. Becauseeach333board
has a unique number you can operate
several of them independentlyonone
single computer . TheUSB device num-
ber is printedon the
backof the333box
andalsoon theUSB
controller chip on the
333board. OnaGC
or HPLC, the device
I.D.# is printed
next to theUSB
jack on the side
on the instru-
When you click “OK” youwill seeabox
on the top left of the screenwhichdis-
plays the calibration conversationPeak-
Simplehaswith theModel 333board.
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