SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 350

Model 333SingleChannel USBChromatography
DataSystemQuickStart Tutorial
Connect the
detector sig-
nal to the333
board using
the terminals
labeled In+
and In-.
Choose the
“Computer” or
“Chart Re-
corder” output
from your
system. On
the “Chart
output is the
same as the
“ Integrator” or
“Computer” output.
Connect the “RemoteStart” output from
your instrument to the “RS” ( remote
start ) andGD ( ground ) terminalson
This step is
OPTIONAL, youdonot have touse
theRemoteStart feature..
Connect theTTL ( relay ) outputs to your
system. For example if youwanted to
actuate aValco valve on your GC you
could use theTTL outputs to trigger the
valve. In the photo above right, TTL
( relay ) outputsCandFhave the yellow
andbluewires connected to them.
Thisstep isalsoOPTIONAL, youdo
not have touse theTTL ( relay ) out-
Page 6
Connect theTTL
outputs toyoursys-
tem to control various
Run thewires
through thecutout on
the rear of thebox,
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