SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 345

Model 333SingleChannel USBChromatography
DataSystemQuickStart Tutorial
TheModel 333 comeswitha twometer
USB cable, 15 volt DCpower supply
(may beeither 120or 220 volt ) anda
PeakSimple softwaredisk. PeakSimple
softwaremayalsobedownloaded from
. Its agood idea to
check thewebsite in caseamore recent
software version has been released.
If the 333 is installed in a SRI GC or HPLC,
then the 15volt power supply is not supplied
( since the board is connectedwithin the
GC ). Also, if the 333 is installed in anSRI
GC or HPLC then all of the hardware connec-
tionswill have beenmade already, you just
have to install the software.
Plug thepower supply into the333box
and then into themainswall socket.
Plug theUSB cable into the333box.
Wait until PeakSimple software is
already installedbeforeplugging the
USB cable into your computer
Install PeakSimple software from theCD
disk or from the filedownloaded from
Browse to theCDor to thedownloaded
file on your hard-drive ( C:\ ) and select.
The file’snamewill be setup354 if it is
version3.54of PeakSimpleand setup
356 if thePeakSimple versionnumber is
3.56. PeakSimple is updated every few
months usually to add a new feature.
Install PeakSimple in the suggested
folder ( C:\peak354 ) unless you have a
very good reason to chooseanother.
Using the typical folder name helps sim-
plify the tech support process.
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