SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 339

Model 302SixChannel USB
ChromatographyDataSystemQuickStart Tutorial
When you click “Next” thePeakSimple
softwarewill be installed and youwill
see the screen to the right.
Click “Finish”
Now connect theUSB cable to your
A hardware
“Wizard” will
appear to
help you in-
stall theUSB
driver. The
shown is for aVista operating system.
For XP computers the “wizard”
screenswill be slightlydifferent.
Follow the screens as shown
At the end of the process you can
verify that the driver was installed
by looking at the “DeviceManager”
screen in the “Control Panel”
Under theUniversal
Serial BusControllers
See Lawson Labs
Install Anyway
Browse at this point
to thePeakSimple
folder ( c:\peak354 )
Since this iswhere
the driver file is
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