MRC-2014Hot.svg - page 221

1 Overview
1.1 Advantages
Wide measuring range. Based on the principle of Leeb hardness testing theory. It can
measure the Leeb hardness of all metallic materials.
Large screen LCD, showing all functions and parameters. With EL background light.
Seven impact devices are available for special application. Automatically identify the
type of impact devices.
Test at any angle, even upside down.
Direct display of hardness scales HRB, HRC, HV, HB, HS, HL
Large memory could store 100 groups (Relative to average times 32
1 ) information
including single measured value, mean value, impact direction, impact times, material
and hardness scale etc.
Battery information showing the rest capacity of the battery.
User calibration function.
Software to connect to PC via RS232 port. Micro printer support.
Compact plastic case
suitable for use under poor working conditions
Continuous working period of no less than 100 hours with two alkaline batteries(AA
Auto power off to save energy.
Outline dimensions
150×74×32 mm
1.2 Main Application &Testing Range
1.2.1 Main Application
Die cavity of molds
Bearings and other parts
Failure analysis of pressure vessel, steam generator and other equipment
Heavy work piece
The installed machinery and permanently assembled parts.
Testing surface of a small hollow space
Material identification in the warehouse of metallic materials
Rapid testing in large range and multi-measuring areas for large-scale work piece
1.2.2 Testing Range
Testing range refer to Table 1 and Table 2 in the Appendix.
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