MRC-2014Hot.svg - page 163

System Operation
55 of 82
Figure 52 Heater Control screen
Current Temp
Indicates the actual temperature (°C) inside the heated Antechamber.
Set point
Allows the temperature inside the Antechamber to be adjusted up to 250 C.
The deviation +/- °C from the set point.
Turns the Heater On and Off. By pressing green start button or red stop
Users can be burned if Ante chamber is not operated properly.
5.14.1 Parallel – Piped Systems
Parallel-piping offers the convenience of using a single purifier to control two separate
Glovebox modules. It is intended that the primary mode of operation will be both Glovebox
modules running simultaneously. In this case the atmosphere inside each Glovebox module is
being circulated through the purifier column. The O2 and H2O values displayed are
representative of the atmosphere in both Gloveboxes as they share a common atmosphere. Each
Glovebox module (1 & 2) is fitted with automatic valves on the gas inlet and outlet to allow
isolation of the 2 Glovebox modules.
One Glovebox module is defined as Box 1 and the other module is Box 2.
Under the sub screen Blower Control. The system can operate 3 ways.
Press for Box 1
– Selecting this will change the button to green to indicate that the purifier will
only interact with Box 1. Pressure will only be controlled in Box1 and the displayed O2 and
H2O values are for Box 1 only.
In this state Box 2 is completely isolated and should not be used. This mode would
typically be used to enable Box 2 to be opened to air for cleaning while continuing to circulate
Box 1 atmosphere through the purifier.
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