SRITN12 - page 84

9. The Inhibit tool ends the baselineafter a val-
ley effectively inhibiting a peak’s area frombe-
ing countedwith the rest of the chroma-
togram. Touse the Inhibit integration tool se-
lect the
tool button from themanual in-
tegration toolbar and click on the valley of the
Solvent peak and the smaller peak to its right.
10.TheRubber Band tool is used tomanually
draw the baseline in a chromatogram. Touse
theRubber Band tool first scroll theX-axis
scrollbar all theway to the left to
. Select
Rubber Band
tool from themanual inte-
gration toolbar anddrawa line from the valley
between theSolvent peak and the small peak
to its left to the valley between the smaller
peak to the right of theSolvent peak and the
peak to its right.
11. Toundoa changemade to the baseline of a
chromatogramwith themanual integration
tools use theUndobutton found in themanual
integration toolbar. Toundo the changes
made to the baseline using theRubber band
tool click on the
buttonwith yourmouse
cursor. All changesmade to the baselinewill
nowbe undone.
12.TheReverse tool allows the invertingof a
peak in a chromatogram.
To reverse
theorientationof theX-axis in real time go to
theEvents table.
First unzoomoff of theSol-
vent peak and the smaller peak to its right and
then select the
tool from themanual
integration toolbar and click andhold the left
mouse buttonwhile the areaof the chroma-
togram youwant to reverse is dragged over
with a black box. Let go of themousebutton
when thedesiredarea is selected to reverse
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