SRITN12 - page 83

5. The Lead skim integration tool allows a peak’s
area to be skimmed off of the leadingedge of
another peak. Touse the Lead skim tool first
unzoomoff of the solvent peak and theother
smaller peak and then zoom in on theChloro-
benzenepeak, theEthylbenzene peak, and
thebaseline. After the chromatogram is
zoomed click on the
Lead skim
tool buttonand then click on the valley be-
tween the two peakswith themouse cursor.
6. TheTrail skim integration tool is similar to the
Lead skim tool except a peak’s area is now
skimmedoff of the trailingedge of another
peak. Select the
Trail skim
tool button from
themanual integration toolbar and then click
on the valley between theChlorobenzene and
Ethylbenzenepeakswith themouse cursor to
see theEthylbenzenepeak skimmedoff of the
Chlorobenzene peak.
7. The Leadhorizontal tool constructs the base-
line horizontally for the leadingpeakwhile the
trailingpeak’s baseline stretches from the
horizontal line to thenext valley. Unzoom off
of theChlorobenzeneandEthylbenzene
peaks and instead zoom inon theSolvent
peak, the smaller peak to its right, and the
baseline. Click on the
gration tool in themanual integration toolbar
and then click, using the leftmousebutton, on
the valley between the solvent peak and the
other smaller peak.
8. TheTrail horizontal integration tool drops the
baseline horizontally for the trailingpeakwhile
the leadpeak’s baseline stretches from the
horizontal line to theprevious valley in the
chromatogram. After selecting the
Trail hori-
tool in themanual integration toolbar
clickwith themouse cursor on the valley be-
tween the two zoomed in peaks.
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