SRITN12 - page 103

Autosampler Queue
It is typical to calibrate samples at the
beginning of an autosampler queue.
Remember, the calibration curve is
calculated from user-generated results
obtainedat severaldifferent concentrations
that span the expected range to be
encountered in actual samples. You must
have already created your calibration curves before using theAutosampler queue.
1. InPeakSimple, click “File,” then choose “Open control file.” Browse to the applicationdirectory,
where you should already have saved the control files you want to use in the Autosampler queue.
Select the control file that youwant to run first. For each channel, open the post-run actionswindow,
and select the“Recalibrateat level”box. Enter “1” in thebox. Click“File” thenchoose“Savecontrol
The calibration curve is calculated from
user-generated results obtained at several
different concentrations that span the
expected range tobe encountered in actual
samples. Calibration is required for each
componentyouexpect tobe inyoursample,
and for each detector youwill be using in
your analysis. Once calibrations curves
have been completed and calibration files
saved, theywillbe included in the .CPT file.
Calibration filesareshown in thecomponents table.
Theymaybeedited individuallybyhighlightingone,
then clicking on the “Change” button.
2. Open the second control file in theAutosampler
queueanddo the same for eachchannel, except enter
a “2” in the box. Save the second control file.
3. Repeat the steps for the third control file, except
enter a “3” in the box. You can also edit the control
files through the “Edit all” spreadsheet in the
Autosampler queue.
In thepost-runactionswindow, the “Recalibrate
at level ___” checkbox recalibratesall identified
peaks at the end of a run. The level of
recalibration, from1 to7, is typed inby theuser.
Tomake the first 3 vials calibration standards:
1...,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102 104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,...505
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