SRITN12 - page 101

Autosampler Queue
Clickon the
toopen thecontrol fileattributesspreadsheet. TheEdit all spreadsheet
is apowerful tool formanagingyour control files; it allows you to edit anyor all of the control files in
the autosampler queue.
You can highlight an
entire column to
...Ormakechanges in
individual cells.
There are ten buttons on the lower left corner of the “Edit all” spreadsheet.
To close the spreadsheet windowwithout saving any changes, click the
Click the
to add a control file to the queue and spreadsheet.
Use the
“Add copies...”button
to add copies of a selected control file to the queue.
Click the
“Delete” button
to remove a highlighted control file from the queue. If no control file is
highlighted, the last file in the list will be deletedwhen this button is clicked.
Click on the
to close the spreadsheet windowwith a prompt to save your changes.
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