SRITN12 - page 97

Autosampler Queue
Thereare several buttonson the right-hand side
of theautosamplerwindow.The
is for closing the Autosampler window. The
is for adding control files to the
queue.Click the “Add...”button.Browse to the
PeakSimple application directory, and select a
control (.CON) file to place in the queue.
PeakSimplewillplace the file in thequeueabove
the .CON file you have highlighted, or at the
endof the list if“<end>” ishighlighted (default).
Sinceyou canonly addone control file
to thequeueat a time, it canget tedious,
especially if you are using multiple
instances of the same control file.
When this is the case, use the “Add...” button
to add your master control file to the queue,
then click on the “Edit all” button to open the
control fileattributesspreadsheet, shownbelow.
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