SRITN12 - page 113

column, 5micron coating
10-port gas
sampling valve
Tubing to vacuum pump,
connected to theSAMPLE
OUT fitting on the front of
the valve oven
Connector for a Tedlar bag or other sample container
(remove from theSAMPLE IN fitting tosampleambient air)
Vacuum pump
Vacuum pump
The SRI CryoSulfur GC comeswith everything you
need to detect low-level sulfur compounds in gas
samples. Since some sulfur compounds do not trap
well, theCryoSulfurGCuses theCryoCooler Peltier
TrapAccessory toenrich thesample, providing lower
detection limits. TheCryoSulfurGC uses a vacuum
pump (provided) to draw gas or air samples into the
CryoCooler. You can sample ambient air, or use the
providedadaptor toconnectaTedlarbag. Thevacuum
pump interface, which is an electrical outlet on the
left-hand sideof theGC, allows thevacuumpump to
be turnedON/OFFby thePeakSimpledata system to
provide consistent sampling times.
Like all SRI traps, the CryoCooler Peltier TrapAccessory is plumbed as the loop of a 10-port gas
sampling valve. It has it’s own power cord that must be plugged into awall outlet, and an interface
cord that plugs into the left-hand side of theGC. After enrichment, the valve injects the sample onto
the60-meter capillarycolumn. Once the samplecomponentsare separatedby thecolumn, theywill be
detected by the Flame Photometric andFlame Ionization detectors.
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