SRITN12 - page 118

General OperatingProcedure continued
10. Press theSTARTbuttonon the front of theGC, or press your computer keyboard spacebar to start
the run.
6. Connect theprovidedvacuumpump to theSAMPLEOUT/VACUUMPUMP fittingon the front of
the valve oven. Plug the vacuumpumppower cord into the vacuumpump interface outlet on the left-
hand side of theGC.
7. Connect your sample source to the SAMPLE IN fitting. It is critical to use as inert a sample
pathwayaspossible toavoidabsorptionof sulfurcompounds. Youcanalsosampleambient air through
the SAMPLE IN inlet, just remove the fitting.
9. Thesystemworksbestwhenoperatedautomaticallyevery20minutes. TheCryoCoolerandvacuum
pump are left ON between runs for sampling. The first run’s results are ignored, as it takesmultiple
runs to equilibrate the sulfur compounds inside the GC system and achieve reproducibility. In
PeakSimple, open the Channels window by clicking Edit > Channels. Click the Postrun button for
channel 1. Click the“Save fileas”checkbox, typeaname for thechromatograms in the form field, and
click the “Auto-increment” checkbox. For example, if you type in Sulfur, the second chromatogram
will be saved as Sulfur1, followed by Sulfur2, and so on. Click the checkbox labeled “Restart run
after” and type20minutes in the form field. Type thenumber of times youwant to repeat the analysis
into the “time total” form field.
Event Table:
Time Event
0.000 Zero baseline
0.050 DOFF (vacuum pump)
0.100 AOFF (CryoCooler)
0.200 FON (trap heat)
2.000 GON (valve INJECT)
3.000 FOFF (trap heat)
3.100 GOFF (valve LOAD)
7.000 AON (CryoCooler)
10.000 DON (vacuum pump)
8. InPeakSimple, type in the following event table:
Then, in theEdit>Overallwindow, uncheck the
box labeled “Reset relays at end of run.”
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