SRITN12 - page 124

Dry Electrolytic Conductivity Detector - DELCD
Troubleshooting and Maintenance
EachSRIDELCDdetector isshippedwithaspareDELCDcell. Because theDELCDheateroperates
close to1000
C, itwillburnoutandfaileventually. Follow the instructionsbelow toremove theoldcelland
1. With theGCpowerOFF, remove theDELCDheaterwires (2) from thepush terminalsand theDELCD
thermocoupleandcollectorwires(3)from thescrew terminals.
2. Remove theDELCDcellbyusingawrench to loosen the1/4”fitting thatsecures iton theFIDexhaustport
oron theheaterblock. Youmayhave tohold the insulationaside tofreelyaccess thefitting; it issoftandmay
3. Position thenewcellon thefittingwith the label facingup,as theDELCDsareshownon the
page. Besure topush theDELCDcellall theway into theFID.
4. Secure thenewDELCDcell intoplaceby tighteningwithawrench the fitting thatholds itonto theFID
exhaustor theheaterblock.
5. Carefully lower thered lid tomakesure that itdoesnot touch theDELCDcell; thecellwillcrack if the lid
hits it. Thereshouldbeat least0.5”ofclearancebetween thered lidand theedgeof theDELCDcell.
6. Sensitivitymay improvefor thefirst24hoursofoperating timewith thenewcell installed.
Installing theSpareDELCDCell
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