2014-RestekAPPS-Index - page 9

lower detection limits for the analysis of 1,4-dioxane in drinking water.
Rtx®-Dioxin2 columns have higher temperature stability (340 °C) than other confirmation columns
and also provide isomer specificity for both 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF in a single column. These
attributes allowed theMaxxam Analytics HR-MS group tomake productivity improvements that
resulted their being honored with a Kaizen award. (PDF - 691kB)
Increase Productivity for Dioxin and Furan Analysis with
Rtx®-Dioxin2 GC Columns
Analyze volatile compounds and polar analytes with greater confidence using Rxi®-624Sil MS columns.
Optimized selectivity, higher inertness, and lower bleed result in reliable separations and accurate,
trace-level determinations. Includes environmental and pharmaceutical applications. (PDF - 3111kB)
Rxi®-624Sil MS Columns—Exceptionally Inert, Low Bleed Columns
for Volatiles Analysis
This 4-page newsletter includes an analysis of Massachusetts DEP air-phase petroleum hydrocarbons,
as well as an update on the U.S. EPA Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS) program.
Also features Tedlar® bags and air canisters. (PDF - 774kB)
Restek Airmail, 2012 vol. 1
Concurrent solvent recondensation large volume splitless injection (CSR-LVSI) GC/MS is used here for
analyzing pesticides and brominated flame retardants in drinking water based on EPAMethod 527.
CSR-LVSI allows a time-consuming sample extract concentration step to be eliminated, but can also be
used with extract concentration for lower detection limits.
Large Volume Splitless Injection Using an Unmodified Split/Splitless
Inlet and GC-TOFMS for Pesticides and Brominated Flame
Rxi®GC columns delivermore accurate, reliable trace-level results than any other fused silica column
on themarket. Take variation out of the equation and lower detection limits with highly inert, low bleed
Rxi® gas chromatography columns. (PDF - 1929kB)
Rxi GC Columns: 3-IN-1 TECHNOLOGY
Confirming sample port integritywith a leak detector is a simple, cost-effective alternative to lab
analysis of tracer gas in vapor intrusion VOC samples. Prevent resampling of soil vapors by confirming
sample port integrity in the field prior to sampling.
Avoid Resampling Soil Vapors: Confirm Tracer Gas in the Field Using
a Leak Detector
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