2014-RestekAPPS-Index - page 5

Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GCxGC-
TOFMS) was used to analyze petroleum biomarkers creating unique fingerprints of crude oil samples
and tarballs collected after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Fingerprinting Crude Oils and Tarballs using Biomarkers and
Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography
Newmanufacturing and testing procedures for Resprep® EPH fractionation SPE cartridges reduce
background levels of extractable contaminants and assuremore reliable fractionation of aliphatics from
aromatics. (PDF - 1279kB)
Improve GC Analysis of Extractable PetroleumHydrocarbons Using
Resprep® EPH Fractionation SPE Cartridges
The efficacy of using a Nutech preconcentrator and a 30m analytical column for VOC analysis of air
samples according toMethod TO-15 was evaluated. Results demonstrate that method criteriawere
easilymet and inmuch faster analysis times than typical methods based on 60m columns.
Rapid Determination of TO-15
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Air
Restek-exclusive Ultra-Clean resin is a great alternative to XAD®-2 resin for sampling semivolatiles.
Learnmore about how our GC-tested resin, as well as our polyurethane foam (PUF) plugs, can help you
with your ambient, indoor, and industrial hygiene air-sampling applications. (PDF - 656kB)
Restek Ultra-Clean Resin
Separate isobaric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, including priority EFSA PAH4 compounds
benz[a]anthracene, chrysene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, and benzo[a]pyrene, easily and accurately on an
Rxi®-PAH column. Whether you needmore resolution or faster analysis, these newGC columns offer
the selectivity and efficiency you need for food safety and environmental PAH analysis. (PDF - 826kB)
New Rxi®-PAHGC Column; Resolve Important Isobaric Polycyclic
Aromatic Hydrocarbons for Food Safety and Environmental Methods
Quantify 1,4-dioxane in drinking water down to 5.0 ppt using a new approach. The technique described
here uses an unmodified split/splitless GC inlet with concurrent solvent recondensation–large volume
splitless injection (CSR-LVSI) to lower detection limits. This 8-page brochure details system setup,
sample prep, and analysis. (PDF - 1812kB)
ANew Solution for Trace-Level Analysis of 1,4-Dioxane in Drinking
Water: Large Volume Injection in an Unmodified Splitless GC Inlet
Florisil SPE tubes are ideal for cleanup of sample extracts prior toGC-ECD analysis of chlorinated
pesticides. By using Florisil tubes for extract cleanup, background interferences can be reduced and
recoveries can be improved. (PDF - 1252kB)
Florisil® SPE Cleanup for Chlorinated Pesticides Analysis
Restek has formulated themost complete set of EPA 524.3 reference standards for themonitoring of
purgeable organic compounds in drinking water—using as few as three ampuls! This collection of
certified referencematerials (CRMs) also covers the seven volatile organic compounds (VOCs) included
in UCMR3. (PDF - 1000kB)
Introducing New Restek EPA 524.3 Certified Reference Materials
This issue of Airmail includes a fast, sensitive analysis of TO-15 volatiles on a 30m column, as well as
an update on opportunities for air labs to collaboratewith the EPA tomeet Agencymeasuring and
monitoring needs. Also features Tedlar® bags. (PDF - 867kB)
Airmail, 2012 vol. 2
Determination of oxygenates in a gasoline-water matrix is difficult, because analytes such as MTBE and
TBA coelute onmany columns and share GC-MS identification ions. We developed a sensitive, accurate
analysis using an Rtx®-VMS column and optimized conditions.
Analysis of Trace Oxygenates in Petroleum-Contaminated
Wastewater, Using Purge-and-Trap GC-MS (U.S. EPAMethods
5030B & 8260)
Concurrent solvent recondensation–large volume splitless injection (CSR-LVSI) typically requires a
special GC inlet. The technique described here uses an unmodified split/splitless inlet with CSR-LVSI to
Lowering Detection Limits for 1,4-Dioxane in DrinkingWater Using
Large Volume Injection in an Unmodified Splitless GC Inlet
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