2014-RestekAPPS-Index - page 2

Raptor™ LC columns combine the speed of superficially porous particles (i.e., SPP or “core-shell”) with
the resolution of highly selective USLC® technology. Featuring Restek'smost popular LC stationary
phase, the rugged Raptor™ Biphenyl is extremely useful for fast separations in bioanalytical testing
applications like drug andmetabolite analyses, especially those that require amass spectrometer (MS).
(PDF - 5050kB)
Raptor Biphenyl LC Columns Brochure
When we engineered our superficially porous particle (SPP or "core-shell") Raptor™ LC columns, we
developed the bonding chemistries that are best suited to both the SPP construction and our highly
selective USLC® phases. But we didn't stop here. Take a closer look at a new species as we dissect the
upgraded hardware and new, proprietary packing techniques behind Raptor™ LC columns and Raptor™
EXP® guard columns. (PDF - 571kB)
Dissecting Raptor™ LC Columns: A closer look at a new species
Therapeutic drugmonitoring requires streamlined, cost-effective testing procedures. This article
details a fast, robust LC-MS/MSmethod for the quantification of 29 therapeutic drugs and
metabolites inurine from several classes including opiates, benzodiazepines, tricyclic
antidepressants, and anticonvulsants. Good linearity, accuracy, and precision resultswere obtained
for most analytes in a fast, 5.5-minute analysis.
Fast, Robust LC-MS/MSMethod for Quantification of Multiple
Therapeutic Drug Classes Using an Ultra Biphenyl Column
New Rtx®-BAC Plus columns outperform other blood alcohol column pairs and ensure baseline
separation of all critical compounds. These columns provide definitive data in a fast, 2-minute analysis,
so you can be certain of your results andmaximize sample throughput. (PDF - 940kB)
New Rtx®-BAC Plus 1 and Rtx®-BAC Plus 2 Columns: Advanced
Technology for Fast, Reliable Measurement of Alcohol in Blood
New Rtx®-BAC Plus 1 and Rtx®-BAC Plus 2 columns provide definitive results quickly, so you can
maximize sample throughput. These columns baseline separate all critical blood alcohol compounds,
including ethanol, methanol, acetone, tert-butanol, acetaldehyde, isopropanol, and n-propanol, in less
than 2minutes. (PDF - 522kB)
Fast, Definitive Data for Blood Alcohol Testing
Column selectivity has themost significant influence on chromatographic peak separation, or
resolution, so choosing the right column can greatly speed up HPLC and UHPLCmethod development.
In this article, we discuss column choice and identify a set of just 4 stationary phases—Restek’s USLC
column set—that encompasses thewidest range of reversed phase selectivity available today.
USLC Columns Put the Right Tools in Your LCMethod Development
The aromatic retention of Ultra Biphenyl columns for pharmaceutical and drug-like compoundsmakes
them ideal for pain panel analyses, such as the AB SCIEX Cliquid® painmethod, as well as clinical
methods for NSAIDs, THC andmetabolites, synthetic cannabinoids, steroids, hormones, and
sulfonamides inmilk. (PDF - 566kB)
Restek Ultra Biphenyl Columns: Next Generation Phenyl Columns
are the Best Choice for Pain Panel Analyses
Sample throughput for benzodiazepines in urine and whole blood can be increased by adopting this
dilute-and-shoot LC/MS/MSmethod which uses an Ultra Biphenyl HPLC column. Partial validation data
are presented in this application note.
4.5Minute Analysis of Benzodiazepines in Urine andWhole Blood
Using LC/MS/MS and an Ultra Biphenyl Column
This application note details a fast extraction and analysismethod for awide range of metabolites of
synthetic cannabinoids JWH-018 and JWH-073 in urine. Quantitative results are reported for
carboxylated andmono-hydroxylatedmetabolites, including positional isomers.
LC/MS/MS Analysis of Metabolites of Synthetic Cannabinoids
JWH-018 and JWH-073 in Urine
Clinical, Forensic&Toxicology
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