2014-RestekAPPS-Index - page 12

Method 8081 organochlorine pesticides are resolved in <9min. We also show complete separation of
these compounds in <5min. using these columns and aGerstel MACH column heating system.
Liner choice is a critical decision in semivolatiles analysis. Liners containing wool packing are
recommended tominimizemolecular weight discrimination. Attributes of different types of liners,
including the Drilled Uniliner , are discussed.
Choosing a Liner for Semivolatiles Analyses
Nineteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), including benzo(b) and benzo(j)fluoranthene, were
fully resolved using a Pinnacle II PAH column. Greater sensitivitywas achieved by coupling UV and
fluorescence detection. This HPLCmethod offers improved resolution compared to standard GC
Resolving Benzo(j)fluoranthene fromOther PAHs
Environmental / Technical Library / Chromatography Information / Rest...
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