2014-RestekAPPS-Index - page 11

Restek develops reference standards for underground storage tank testing. This flyer includes UST fuel
composite standards, single source fuel standards, fuel surrogate & internal standards, & standards
blended for specific statemethods. (PDF - 438kB)
Herewe analyze polycyclic (polynuclear) aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the US EPA, European
Union (EU), and Portugal lists by UHPLC and HPLC. Procedures shown use two optimized stationary
phases (Pinnacle DB PAH and Pinnacle II PAH) and provide 3.5 to 6minute analyses, allowing labs to
achieve significantly faster sample throughput.
Increase Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Sample Throughput
An optimized EPAMethod 535 procedure offers superior sensitivity for the ethanesulfonic acid (ESA)
and oxanilic acid (OA) degradates of chloroacetanilide herbicides alachlor, acetochlor, andmetolachlor.
Alachlor ESA and acetochlor ESA isomers are reliably resolved, and the procedure is simplified with a
full line of Method 535 products, including reference standards, solid phase extraction cartridges, and
HPLC columns.
One Stop Shop for EPAMethod 535
Thermal desorption is now recognized as the technique of choice for environmental airmonitoring and
occupational health and safety. This 28-page publication fromMarkes International Ltd. presents
several real world thermal desorption applications. (PDF - 1137kB)
Thermal Desorption: A Practical Applications Guide: I.
Environmental Air Monitoring and Occupational Health & Safety
The use of carbon disulfide (CS ) extraction as an airmonitoringmethod for vapor-phase organic
compounds (VOCs) is fundamentally limited with respect to detection limits. Thermal desorption (TD)
is a complementary gas extraction techniquewhereby sorbent tubes are heated in a flow of carrier gas.
Trapped vapors desorb from the sample tubes into the gas stream and are transferred into the GC/MS
analyzer. Here, we summarize the key advantages of thermal desorption versus solvent extraction.
Enhancing Air Monitoring Methods with Thermal Desorption
The Rtx -CLPesticides and Rtx -CLPesticides2 column pair is an excellent choice for chlorophenoxyacid
herbicide analysis. Now, with an optimized film thickness for the 0.32mm ID version, this difficult
analysis can bemade in less than 13minutes on both the primary and confirmation columns. Near
baseline resolution is achieved for all analytes except for bentazon/picloram on the Rtx -CLPesticides
column; however, this pair is fully resolved on the Rtx -CLPesticides2.
13Minute Chlorophenoxyacid Herbicides Analysis
This 2-page note describes the features and benefits of our popular TO-Can airmonitoring canisters
(SUMMA can equivalents), our new canister air sampling timer, and our convenient, reliable passive
air sampling kits. (PDF - 206kB)
Whole Air Sampling for Vapor Intrusion
Analyses of chlorinated pesticides can be difficult because samples often are contaminated with
non-target compounds (e.g., lipids), and themethod can require rigorous quality control. Our 24-page
guide covers sample extractionmethodology, sample cleanup, and chromatography. A chromatographic
analysis of widely used chlorinated herbicides also is illustrated. One of ourmost popular technical
guides. (PDF - 4062kB)
AGuide to Preparing and Analyzing Chlorinated Pesticides
Semivolatilesmethods, such as EPAMethod 8270, place stringent demands on gas chromatography
(GC) columns. Herewe demonstrate the performance of Rxi -5Sil MS columns for semivolatiles
analysis in terms of bleed, efficiency, and activity. Excellent sensitivity and resolution are seen, even
for difficult PAHs such as benzo(b)fluoranthene & benzo(k)fluoranthene, and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene
and dibenzo(a,h)anthracene. Both basic and acidic compounds show good response even at low levels.
Accurately Quantify PAHs Down to 5pg On-Column
The new Allure AK HPLC column was developed specifically for the analysis of aldehydes and ketones,
including the 13 carbonyl compounds specified in the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Method
1004. The data shown in this article demonstrate excellent resolution, even of buteraldehyde and
methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), in less than 12minutes using a 200mm Allure AK HPLC column.
Complete Resolution of 13 DNPH Carbonyls as Derivatives
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons are a significant, and wide-spread, source of pollution. The US EPA
mandates testing of the 16 PAHs they designate asmost hazardous; the target list in other countries is
expanding and includes new compounds that are difficult to separate. Herewe demonstrate the ability
of the Rxi -17 column to effectively resolve dibenzo pyrene isomers, as well as to separate
benzo(j)fluoranthene from benzo(b)fluoranthene and benzo(k)fluoranthene.
Resolving the Benzo(j)fluoranthene Challenge
Increasing sample throughput is an effectiveway to reduce operating costs for environmental labs.
Herewe introduce new film thicknesses for the Rtx -CLPesticide and Rtx -CLPesticide2 GC columns,
optimized for complete separations and short analysis times. Using these new columns, all US EPA
Faster Organochlorine Pesticide Sample Throughput
of 3
1...,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,...29
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