2014-RestekAPPS-Index - page 18

matrices, which often contain interferences and require time-consuming sample preparation. We
developed an easy, accurate screeningmethod for carbamates in a complexmatrix using an Ultra
Carbamate HPLC column in conjunction with the LecoUnique TOF- MS. Thismethod requires no sample
preparation and provides fast analysis times, significantly increasing sample throughput.
Melamine contamination was implicated in a large pet food recall that occurred in 2007 when animals
died after eating contaminated pet food. Here, amodified GC/MSmethod, based on an FDAmethod,
was used to analyze formelamine & related compounds cyanuric acid, ammelide, and ammeline in dry
cat food. Analytes were easily identified by retention timematching andmass spectra.
High Sensitivity Melamine GC/MS Analysis of Cat Food
Chromatographicmethods for garlic and garlic powder are used by the food and dietary supplement
industries tomonitor product quality. Herewe present a headspace gas chromatographymass
spectrometry (HS GC/MS) method for garlic flavor and odor components using an Rxi -5ms column.
Thismethod eliminates sample preparationmaking the bench work simple and fast. The experimental
set-up is ideal for both screening analysis and low-level trace analysis.
Rapid Characterization of Garlic Volatiles—No Sample Prep
Nitrofurans are a class of veterinary antibiotics used to increase growth rate and prevent or treat
disease in animals. Determining levels of nitrofurans in animal tissue, or even products such as honey,
is important in studying drug resistance and allergies in humans. The Ultra C18 HPLC column is an
excellent choice for LC/MS/MS analysis of nitrofurans at low levels in complexmatrices such as honey.
Herewe show excellent sensitivity, resolution, and peak shape at trace levels.
Analysis of Nitrofurans in Honey
Commonly used organic acidmethods (e.g. AOACmethod 986.13) depend on reversed phase HPLC
and C18 columns, however these columns are vulnerable to phase collapsewhen used with the
aqueousmobile phases necessary for optimal organic acid analysis. Restek’s Ultra Aqueous C18,
Allure Aqueous C18, and Allure Organic Acids columns all withstand phase collapse and resolve
organic acids in a 100% aqueousmobile phase, compared to a conventional C18 column which shows a
complete loss of retention.
Simple, Reliable HPLC Analyses of Organic Acids
An Ultra Aqueous C18 column enables you to use the conditionsmost effective for this analysis:
gradient elution in high aqueousmobile phases. The C18 chains will not collapse in the presence of a
high water content. Use this chromatographic system to extract data for specific compounds of interest
and tomanually inspect spectra for phenolic glycosides, esters of phenolic acid, or other compounds.
Monitor Anitoxidants in Tea Extract
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