2014-RestekAPPS-Index - page 25

sulfide, carbonyl sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, mercaptans) on our new column, with excellent peak shapes
and reliable quantification at ppbv levels. A Sulfinert treated sampling/transfer system assures no
adsorption losses of these very reactive compounds.
Relative to helium as the GC carrier gas, hydrogen from a gas generator reduces gas costs, cuts
analysis time by 50%, and reduces temperatures needed for eluting analytes—which increases
column lifetime. Parker ChromGas hydrogen generators are safe, convenient, reliable, and easy to use.
Parker PEM Hydrogen Generators
In process GC analyses, this material offers unique selectivity for the difficult-to-separate saturated
and unsaturated C4 hydrocarbons, eluting
-2-butene before 1,3-butadiene. Innovative bonding
chemistry assures batch-to-batch reproducibility, excellent thermal stability, and long column life.
Analyze Hydrocarbons on OPN/Res-Sil™ C Bonded GC Packing
ASTMMethod D-6352, a simulated distillation of petroleum distillates, requires a capillary column
compatiblewith oven temperatures to 430°C. At temperatures above 380°C, polyimide-coated fused
silica becomes brittle, and column lives are very short. MXT -1 HT SimDist columns combine the
inertness of fused silica and durability of stainless steel, tomeet all criteria in themethod. Data for a
series of 400 injections at 430°C affirm the low-bleed, long-lifetime characteristics of this column. (PDF
- 97kB)
MXT -1HT SimDist
Restek has optimizedmolecular sieve 5A and 13X columns for trace analyses, including difficult
analytes like oxygen and carbonmonoxide. Example chromatograms in this 2-page note show sharp,
symmetric peaks for permanent gases. (PDF - 88kB)
Molecular Sieve 5A and 13X: Packed GC Columns for Permanent
Gas Separations
-Octane on Res-Sil™ C packing provides excellent, reproducible separations of volatile hydrocarbons
in petroleum products, including the difficult-to-separate saturated and unsaturated C4 compounds. An
OPN on Res-Sil™ C column separates C1-C5 hydrocarbons in half the time required by alternative
Res-Sil™ C Bonded GC Packings for Analyses of Light Hydrocarbons
MXT -1 SimDist and MXT -500 SimDist columns combine the inertness of fused silicawith the
durability of stainless steel, meeting all ASTMMethod D6352 (petroleum simulated distillation) criteria.
MXT -500 SimDist columns have lower bleed and longer lifetimes, but calculated boiling points for
aromatics are higher (closer to true values); MXT -1 SimDist columns offer polarity that matches
published data. Includes chromatograms. (PDF - 111kB)
GC Analysis of Petroleum Products
ASTMD2887-01a is used tomonitor petroleum products, excluding gasoline, with final boiling points of
less than 538°C. Metal MXT -2887 columns and fused silica Rtx -2887 columns offer lower bleed,
faster analysis times, and longer column lifetimes. (PDF - 76kB)
Rtx -2887 / MXT -2887: Restek's Capillary GC Columns for
Simulated Distillation of Petroleum Fractions
The stationary phase in Rtx -1 SimDist columns is bonded to a highly deactivated silica support,
ensuring inertness, stability, and column lifetime characteristics superior to conventional packed
columns for SimDist analysis (ASTMMethods D2887, D3710). (PDF - 136kB)
Rtx -1 SimDist 2887: A Bonded Packed Column for Simulated
Twomethods are used to quantify individual alcohols and ethers in gasoline: a single column OFID
method (e.g., ASTMMethod D5599-94) and dual-column ASTMMethod D4815-93. Restek offers
columns, calibrationmixtures, and inert capillary tubing for both approaches. 4-page note. (PDF -
Analyzing Oxygenates in Gasoline Using TCEP and Rtx -1/MXT -1
Restek's newD3606 column set outperforms TCEP columns for gasoline testing. The D3606 set has
higher thermal stability and reliably resolves benzene from ethanol, resulting inmore accurate
NewD3606 Column Set Outperforms TCEP Columns for Benzene
Res-Sil support is an excellent replacement for discontinued Poracil C. Stringent testing of the
bonded packing ensures reproducible separations and retention times for C1-C5 hydrocarbons,
including difficult-to-separate saturated and unsaturated C4 compounds. (PDF - 99kB)
OPN and n-Octane on Res-Sil C Packing for the Separation of
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