2014-RestekAPPS-Index - page 4

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Using an Rtx -CLPesticides column set is the best strategy for labs considering alternate carrier gases as away to
reduce helium consumption. These columns have a unique selectivity and produce faster results than competitor
columns when using either helium or hydrogen. In addition, only Rtx -CLPesticides columns can be used with
nitrogen, which give labs the freedom to choose the carrier gas option that is best for them.
Helium, Hydrogen, or Nitrogen—The Choice is Yours: Unique
Rtx -CLPesticides Column Set Provides Optimal Results for
Organochlorine Pesticides GC-Micro-ECD Analysis Using Any Carrier
Analyses of halogenated pollutants can be difficult because samples often are contaminated with
nontarget compounds andmethods can require rigorous quality control. This technical guide covers
sample extraction, cleanup, and GC-ECD analysis. Includes chromatographic analysis of chlorinated
pesticides, PCBs, chlorinated herbicides, haloacetic acids andmore on a single column set.
Request free printed copies today.
(PDF - 3612kB)
AGuide to the Analysis of Halogenated Environmental Pollutants
Using Electron Capture Detection
Labs analyzing purgeable organic compounds in water can savemoney and reduce helium dependence
by using Method 524.4 with nitrogen purge gas and an Rtx®-VMS column. Bymaking the switch, you
can reduce helium consumption by 68%, whilemeeting all Method 524.4 requirements. (PDF -
Reduce Helium Consumption by 68% Using Nitrogen Purge Gas for
VOCs inWater
Column trimming can extend GC column lifetime when analyzing polybrominated diphenyl ethers
(PBDEs); however, themethodmust be adapted to the shorter column length in order tomaintain
separation of critical congeners. Herewe demonstrate that with propermethod translation an
Rtx -1614 GC column can be trimmed nearly in half and still meet resolution requirements for BDE 49
and BDE 71.
Half the Column, Same Chromatogram: Maintain Resolution of BDE
49 and BDE 71With Proper Method Translation After Trimming an
Rtx -1614 Column for Maintenance
Direct injections of water-based samples, such as samples containing ethylene glycol, can cause poor
peak shape, sample carryover, and FID flameout. Avoid these problems using the chromatography tips
described here. (PDF - 921kB)
Techniques for Optimizing GC Analysis of Ethylene Glycol inWater
Rtx®-CLPesticides and Rtx®-CLPesticides2 columns are ideal formultiple environmental ECDmethods.
Herewe demonstrate the effectiveness of this column pair for chlorinated pesticides, PCBs as Aroclors,
chlorinated herbicides, and haloacetic acids. Includes EPAMethods 8081B, 8082A, 8151A, 504.1, 505,
508.1, and 552.2. Speed up your analyses and reduce downtime using the versatile
Rtx®-CLPesticides/Rtx®-CLPesticides2 column pair in a dual column configuration. (PDF - 2100kB)
Analyze Seven EPAMethods on One GC Column Pair! Pesticides,
PCBs, Herbicides, and More on Rtx®-CLPesticides &
Rtx®-CLPesticides2 Columns
Air sampling canisters from Restek are durable, easy to use, and highly inert. Theyweigh just grams
more than canisters from other vendors and cost the same to ship. Check out this weight and cost
comparison to see for yourself! (PDF - 1795kB)
Ship Our Rugged Air Canisters at No Extra Cost
Ensure cleaner sample extracts and obtain high recoveries of target pesticides by adding a Resprep®
CarboPrep® SPE cleanup step when preparing samples for chlorinated pesticides analysis. (PDF -
Improve Results for Chlorinated PesticidesWith Resprep®
CarboPrep® SPE Cleanup
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