SO ! ? Global Warming  / ClimateChange(-Extremes)
- “
proof”(?)  by “recently” published ex-NASA Satellite DATA& seemedly “noncontestable !_”
Video23 >
( Tony Heller > Paul Noel )
A convincing presentation > enough to satisfy Me > least !t  > an R&D Chemist ex CSIRO & specialising in gas analysis )

Already > copious comments  PDF23   > On-line plus U-Tube relate refs
( & their very ordinary “AI” diversions ! > so my apologies for them ! )

A 2-sided “argument” KEY Question . . .  STILL
ALREADY attracting “rebuttal” by by the conventional CC “advocates”

  • Which “data” is real & NOT being “cherry-picked” like the Manne “Hockey StickAuthenticating supposed real data from modified Copy & Paste IS a Real Problem
    with “Notorious Fake Science” and THE Interpretation of Data > open to ALL sorts of Speculation
                                                   a VALUE JUDGEMENT

Is “the Cure” worse than the “apparant” Symptom

  • > Cost Benefit Analysis at the risk if destroyng “Worlds “Economies” over a very speculative 50 to 100 years


  • a BIG “call” WW ??? >  for a “moratorium” needed on ALL those extreme R&Ds desperate to prove “otherwise > Trillion $ “known” “SCAM” ( even though completely disowned by THE “ignorant” “Consensus” > THE Media and politicians AND . . . certainly by “vested” interests > AND probably a majority” of the dumbed-down” populace generally !

    GW, THE so-called” ENERGY CRISIS and widespread COST-push” Inflation World-wide” would Suffer - deservedly-So!

    Relevant New R&D in some of these Technologies may be justified BUT on a more
    “REAL NEEDS” basis !
  • Renewable Wind & Solar VERY marginal
  • . . . prohibitively too costly > short-term ! >20 “effective “years-life time
  • maybe /20-30% justified ? TO CHINAs benefit
  • NUCLEAR Energy YES for PEAK POWER - Not conventional ! but “near-proven Modular LFTR ALL within 10 to 20 years Chinese proto Plant  took ~5years now commissione > ~2020 > Even commercialised . . . to come


    > CO2 THEORY NOW Disproven ! . . . & BY THE “Real” DATA


  • A belated START” to a Nuclear Industry >70 years TOO Late ?
  • To augment “the coming” Nuclear Submarines BEFORE WWW-111
    and/or a (pre-planned) Chinese “take-over”

  • Greening of th Earth Agriculture > re starvation & Worls growing Popularo “Boom” the real cause of ANY Global Warming
  • Preserving “fossil Fuels”
    > but there’IS still Plenty of Natural Gas 1000 years WW in AUSTRALIA ONCE the Stupig bans on Coal ‘fracking” and exploration are finally sensibly REMOVED !
  • to the “chagrin” of Labor Politics and the likes of Dan Andrews in Victoria
  • divert even 0.1% of the Fraud  to a “fair dinkum” Royal Commision
  • Whether THE Judicial Systems” in Australia > The USA could honestly “cope”
    > I woubt doubt ! . . . “millions” would be put out of Work !
  • NUCLEAR Potentially LOW Cost !

    NO unsolvable Radioactivity problems
    > Radoisotope break-thru’ for Cancer research > mediation
    Modular USEs current Electricity Grids
    and agricultural land cost(s)
    IF IT IS NOT TOO LATE by the premature scare campaigns !

Certainly the “UnitedNations (CCCP) scammers” Would NOT Do-It !
Nor that East Anglia University
The Michael MANNE “Hockey Stick) ( the USA CourtCase was still
 pending last week ! ) A Joke ? ! He Won against Steyn awarded $1.00 (defamatory)
$1Million (pumative) ! . . . over some $11 years
Steyn is up for millions$s in Legal Court Cost & now “bankrupt ?)
Why >maybe he called
 him (Mann) a “”BIG Dick-head” . . .but he MAY NOT HAVE THAT ! ?
 . . . At  ALL
! indicative of the US Judicial System “farce” as it appears ! by a similar 97.5% “consensus of many !
. . . BUT where the the rest of  His “supportive deniers NOW !
3rd Party Case Review PDF PDF23
> a“farce” > “PEER” review of a Jury of “Dick Head” “Lefties”

> “criminal” culpability ? > probably to get “white-washed” !
“egg-on-face” for many”! > the whole scientific “community” put in
“even further irrefutable denial”

THE “Bubble” > “SCAM of the Millenia” . . .
And . . . > “HERE COMES THE JUDGE” !

“backed” here by  . . .
E-mail Climate GATE > PDF23 180p

the “Pros & Cons”
History  from

But U Can NOW come to YOUR “OWN CONSENUS” !
It IS absolutely  Irrefutable “ ! > a “beat-up” !

And a consequence of The Scientific Principle”
> Cause & Effect based on academic THEORY Plus REAL  Genuine DATA

maybe then computor modelling May become relevant for much f the usual “BOM - supported “guesses”

BUT U “BE-a-Ware” WE ALL might be CANCELLED “Yet” !
u’r Job might be”at Steak” !

Tony Heller > Paul Noel . . . a former Research Scientist 6 Level 2 UAH (2008-2014))Updated 6hScientifically speaking, why is the recent global warming
NOT caused by human activities? but for the population “explosion” human
& animal CO2 “footprint” and the NOT generally recognised  indirect consequences ! thereof . . . a far different Q&A ?

There has been a satellite survey done by NASA since the Late 1970s to the present. It shows NO global warming in the period. So how on earth could I say what warming was not man  caused when there was no warming at all
in the period. From December 1978 to January 2023 the actual temperature globally changed (-0.15C) That isn’t warming! Wake up this whole global warming stuff is a hoax. The variation in the data over the entire period is
+/- 0.8 C so I don even read there to be any change and certainly no trend.

You never see this data in the press or in your Environmentalist€ť blogs because it says no problem exists and that would defeat the agenda.
see debate >

I fully concur there IS NO logical scientific definition of a “mean Avarage GLOBAL Temperature” that  really means “Anything” > and too many ill-defined vatiables - Global Satelite measurement “on-th-fly” is very hard to dispute > proper;ly calibtated !

GW / CC is ALL !

At least I know the Diff between CO2 and Carbon

where-as. . . most of the “consensus’ seems NOT TO ! NOR can  interpret “graphs” Or scientific data ? . . . OR even WANT To !

ultimately  >Temp increase PRECEDES ANY CO2 rise > million of years of “geologgical “evidence without Exception !

> after >25 years of “Real” (Satellite) Data > a renewed debate >  a perspective exposed on . . . & hotly” contested ! . . .
of course by the opposite extremism of The GUARDIAN” et al

RealClimate: Climate model projections compared to observations
Visualising Climate Data NOAA
“BING” Climate Data “pics” ( their AI” )
BUT really ? ( in hindsight) Would YOU Trust the UN ?

CT > GW “Fraud” Proven 2024-2 ?

MY Disclaimer !

U simply can’t expect “highly salaried” “bureaucrats > “pseudo scientists”
( & often PAID-Off ! ) > the media to “genuinely” assess HIGH TECH Ispeculative issues” Like CLIMATE CHange> too many interactuve parameters
TOO Much “SCAM Money” is Involved > for the “greedy” “vested interests”

BUT “WORLD ECONOMIES” ARE AT STAKE ! Consequence COULD Lead to induced starvtaion in 3rs World Countries (1/3 of THE Population Explosion )
 & ”deliberate “GENOCIDE”
> & “THE Answer” to the MALTHUSIAN Theory

The NASTY ANSWER TO GLOBAL OVER-POPULATION The ONLY CAUSE OG Global Warming through the human “CO2” Heat/Energy “footprint” . . . & absolutely NOTHING To do with Greenhouse Gas Effects > & then Only minimal !

There is simple NO analogy between a closed Agriculural Greenhouse and the dynamic WORLD Averaged Climate >>> Absolute NONSENSE ! > U need a bit of real Education !

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