re Freight


Covid-19 > Corona ... ‘what-so-ever” variants what really amounts “historically to no worse than a “bad case” of the “common ‘flu” ! . . . more rapidly spread bu “Tourist Air Travel and mass Immigration

instigated in All Probability thru misguided R&D ( “gone wrong” ) by
the Chinese WUHAN “saga” > with collusion with USA Heath experts and
it’s “cover-up > deliberate or incidental /accidental we’ll never know !
but “THE “consensus” is There !

preferred perhaps by the Malthusian “gang” over “contrived Wars even
vs WW3 as a potential ALT answer to Population Control > “by Any means” ! promoted > sponsored by manu at the “highest echelons “

2022-3 Now virtually diluted down to > the usual ‘Flu symptoms”
> No worse ! Even Comrade Dan has just NOW debunked
thecrazy “mandatory” mask > lock-downs & ! leaving only that
“clown” McGowan in WA > as the last “stalwart” . . .
but unfortunately NOT the LAST bastion of stupidity !

& Chromtech Business !
  OUR Business is As Usual & NOT Affected by Covid-19
. . . at least in those matters we still have some control over !
> apart minor freight delays & those “civil unrest” disruptions by those carzy “fanatics

  •   WE have always been home-based anyway !
    That is NOT a situation I would encourage from personal experience & Only for the “hardy” !
  •   The limitation is with U and Your mind-set !
  •   also dependent on 3rd party Suppliers, Freight Cos etc AND the bureaucracy !
  •    > imports are Not generally affected . . .
    > but you still need to allow allow 2 -3 weeks generally ( dependent on our Suppliers in-stock ! ) & some delays are inevitable !
  •   State Border & Shut-down > Freight Not affected - Air ! but Road ??? questionable
     . . .  by State decree ! WA & Qld Covid hysteria related !
    -     We send by Toll Air ( if less then < 5kg ) OR Your Courier

& All this despite > “Dictator Dans” edicts / scare( campaigns ) !

MY BLOG Re Covid-19

but ALL My Opinion > . . .  a more readable version PDF RE-Corvid-19.PDF acrobat

AND > But Who am I to say ! . . . < I am only an
(ex) “Rocket Scientist “ ! Smiley-s  
but at least with “half-a-brain” !  without ANY ( “racial”  color prejudice ) >
& definitely NOT
Green ! Nor “a Red ! ( & hopefully still hopefully
“endowed” with “free-speech” & NOT Yet CANCELLED by the likes of
“Twitter” or In-your-Facebook ! now being “usurped by China “Pings’ TikTok

by All means you can debate me on ALL THIS & More !


All THIS “A BLOG” for the sake of “GOOGLE”
and the “Twitter Mentality” out there

2022-4 Thankfully Elon Musk may achive something a bit more worthwhile
Now ! he’s actually bought them out for $50 billion . . . HE’s a real “goer !

But ALL my opinion ONLY . . .  and  as the lawyers would say
 . . .  > “ All without prejudice”

> WorldHealthOrganisation  Updates exerpts Only > useful ?

but many of dubious value ?  ( but further  references to come )
.. . . & as permitted€¯ by CHINA . . . arguably ! . . . ?


WE like most individuals and Small Companies 
ARE Responsible And ACCOUNTABLE !

Chromtech accepts Only Payment in Advance ( with Purchase Orders )

Govts / YOU ( ? ) can theoretically now borrow at ( yet o come Sept+ > 0.2% Interest rates but we mere mortals are still being “crucfied” by “rip-off commercial rates (>5%) and their exhorbitant charges generally
NOR proposed Global Universal enforced Credit Cards in place of “Bit Coins”
as they simply can’t print Bank Notes FAST ENOUGH with expected “artificially imposed”  pay for the “scams” and inflation now being imposed on everyone and including future generations !

as of March >>>October 2020 at least ( & Indefinite ) VICTORIA has
been forced into virtually a Complete Lock-down > home imprisonment
/  work from home > by what amounts to a corrupt unaccountable > irresponsible > out of control State Government at the “whims of the bureaucracy”, The “Public Service” and consequent ill-conceived
> often impractical over-regulation !

no doubt fostered by the stupidity and gullibility of a “dumbed-down” populace who really probably deserve what they vote for ! & just a minority at that !

ALL NOT withstanding the “on-going” dictates of Governments,
THE bureaucracy. . . > And the mind-less Extremists > Lefties
> Greenies > Fascists > Communists !

collectively & unarguably . . . the “scum” of the Universe !

. . . & all  their interpretations, procrastinations > blunders
>>> and the dire¯ consequences there-of ! > politically & economically !
& now it seems obviously completely “Out of (OUR) Control”

COVID19 > Global Warming > Energy Crisis > Anti Coal / Gas Solar/Wind

and Australia “paranoia” anti- NuclearEnergy . . . “blindspot” and oyrighrt hypocrasy in virtull banning fossil fuels yet being the WORLDS major
 “exporter of coal & natural gas and Uranium Ore yet refusing to use that natural resource locally as Nuclear Energy  Now proven over > 75 years to be cost effective  !> safe ! potentially > non-polluting! AND CO2 - FREE !.
Even adverse radiation health effects have been downgraded
. . . controversial in hindsight ! NOT by THAT “Consenus” necessarily !

arguably exaggerated OR “scams” of the “Millenia” on a “par” with
the Energy Crisis > Global Warming now downgraded “officially”
mere “Climate Change” ! . . . by the IPCC

If you want THE Counter-argument see : “Heartland Institute” AND NIPPC. . . just to try & off-set the “ Millions” > projected “Trillions” of $$$’s WW
as many NOW grudgingly admit IT is ALL probably just another “hoax

but ! . . . YOU SORT OUT THE “FAKE SCIENCE  THEN MAKE YOUR OWN ”REASONED” Answer > Explanation ! ”

  • THE  “CON s” >  arguments NIPPC  but  typical in it’s own right > “crap”
    > it doesn’t even address ANY of the “ . . .  arguable” issues of the NIPPC
  •      Including Why does historical Climate Temperaturei invariably  precedes CO2 increase man-made or Not! > 100s of years
    •      IS IT Really WORTH the time and effiort but also destroying World Economies on unsubstantiated theory or Guesswork ? costing “trillions” of $$$s
  •     Why do ALL Climate completely ignore the main Global Warming “pollutant”
     far worse that CO2
  • < Water > Clouds > particulates maybe * from CHINA the worst “cuilprit of GW
     ? WHY ? ONLY because it is All TOO DIFFICULTand far easier to create “scare campaigns” . . .easily ! via a corrupt “media” . .” . trained “just to sell newspapers > advertising > marketing hysteriae ! . . . “FACTS being but “tools” to be manipulated !

    Pros  re THE “IPPC”” and no doubt ITs’ DISCLAIMERS !
Debunking the Heartland Institutes > Efforts to Deny Climate Science
& see Wikepedia

SO ! . . .  > whatever happened to the “scientific paradigm” of “Cause & Effect” and a proportionate, > balanced AND timely response based on an honest “Cost / Benefit” analysis . . . NOT the Current “pseudo-Science >
“FAKE Science” being proffered by . . . “THE EXPERTS”

BUT even that has been distorted over the “millenia” by Religious “hypothoses” > politics > “THE Establishment” and other “vested interests”

R & D +proportionate to “real consquences” NOT THE Current “Speculation”
> “infinite Doomsday projections” . . . by “Computer Models”
 or “expert” media “hype” !

2022 > NOW completely overwhelmed as “a talking point” by the real threat
of Nuclear WW War > arguably also largely speculative
AND it seems “Lives Do NOT Matter”

In line with THE GREENIES ARGUMENT the Worlds Population has been
 OUT OF CONTROL . . . > for centuries . . . > the “Malthusian plot”.

a la” Prince Charles and the Duke of Edinburgh pronouncment the WW population
needed to be “culled” from Now approx 7 ~8 billion down to 1-2 billion
 > Nuclear WW3 would certainly do THAT ! . . . but thru COVID > Climate Change > Energy CRISES under the NEW ECONOMIC Theory. “Control-DEMAND > hyper-Inflation Global Warming  “ contrived consequences “

that’s ALL OK ! ? they’re ( including Putin ) will be relatively
“safe” maybe ? . . .  > in their “bunkers”

that’s ALL far surpassng History’s “Tulip Bubble” year 2000 PS “classic” “Fiascos”
“aided & abetted” by the “speed of the Internet” ! . . . of course !

In the ‘70s the “accepted threat” was in fact “Global Cooling” to a
mini ICE-Age > Global starvation and a Food Shortage
 . . . we’re still waiting fot that 50 years later !
> Nostradamus would have been far better than those damn computer “models”
and their blatantly false assumptionsand absurd extrapolations !

ALL COMPLETELY “De-bunked since of course ! . . . at least in the ”short” term > 100+s of years ! especially with CO2 NOW “Greening” the PLANET
> now being verified by satellites
400ppM current but even 1000ppm probably of little consequence > virtually impossible
to achieve by Any human activity ! > animals(us) breathe out 70,000ppM
and room air often up to 1000-2000ppM
in fact < 170ppM CO2 is Now recognised as the Minimum for ALL LIfe on Earth

Definitely an “argument” to generate even MORE CO2 IF YOU REALLY BELIEVE in Anthropogenic CO2 Theory vs NATURE and IT’s complex over-riding “cycles”
King Canute can play NO Part irrespective of ANY “consensus” . . . of the ignorant !

> for extremist ONLY . . . themselves all including Gore, Flannery ( and even PUTIN ) All “shacked up” in their cosy “bunkers” . . . that’s If he actually manages to survive long enough against his “cronies”

CO2 is a “PLUS” ( > probably a NET benefit ) for the environment  !
( & within very “broad constraints > limits” ! )
U can forget the need for Carbon sequestration . . . & absurdly non-viable !
Warming the Planet is in fact a “Net benefit” to “Humanity” > lower Death Rates increased agriculture

Restek Literature generally is updated regularly > OLDER material is kept for
archive”€¯ Purposes - a Customer TECHNICAL Resource for U !
see 2011-22015-6 Catalogs some items no longer available / superceded ! : 
Printed Catalogs R NO LONGER AVAILABLE from Restek !

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on-line by NOF15 NOT with “%20” but with “ -” ( hyphen ) instead & are NOW
W3C / HTML5  OK ! yet “_” (underscore) are accepted with NO dreaded “404” errors !

* FlipHTML5 & PDFs are NOT effected by this “farcical” > ”anomoly” !

CT Chromatogrphy  >  PIC Gallery > via the “courtesy” of
PDF LINKs > Good IDEAS : Gadjets

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