RtxPresentations07 - page 1078-1079

This phasewas built basedonpredictions
of separation. The separation criteriawas
met on all accounts except for the
dichlorobenzenes. The first step in
designing a new column is to startwith
functionalities that the target analytes are
soluble in. The better the solubilitybetween
the analyte and the phase the better the
chances of resolving these compounds.
BondedPolymer Examined forVolatile
Experimental FluorinatedPhase
1...,1058-1059,1060-1061,1062-1063,1064-1065,1066-1067,1068-1069,1070-1071,1072-1073,1074-1075,1076-1077 1080-1081,1082-1083,1084-1085,1086-1087,1088-1089,1090-1091,1092-1093,1094-1095,1096-1097,1098-1099,...
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