RtxPresentations07 - page 430-431

Figures 4 through8 each show a separationof one of the
major purines or pyrimidines from its respective
ribonucleoside andmono-, di-, and triphosphate
nucleotide. Note that eachof these separationswas
achievedusing the same conditions and that in each case
the order of elution is triphosphate, diphosphate, then
monophosphate nucleotide, followed by the base, and
lastly the nucleoside. There are slight “shoulders” on the
peaks forGDP (Figure 5), TTP (Figure 7), andUMP
(Figure 8). Thesewere present in theGDP, TTP, and
UMP standards, respectively andwere presumed to be
impurities or degradation products.
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