RtxPresentations07 - page 318-319

Direct Flash Injections
Most laboratorieswill analyze explosive samples bydirect injection.
direct injectionparameters need to beoptimized for successful analysis of
these compounds.
The injectionport temperaturemust be determined
carefully to provide good response for the thermally labile compounds, such as
nitroglycerine andPETN, and sufficient vaporization for thehighboiling
compounds, such asHMX.
Formost analyses, an injection port temperature
between 250 –275
C is best.
Restekoffers a uniqueSiltekdeactivated sleeve tomeet the needs of explosive
analysis bydirect injection.
The internal diameter of the sleevewas reduced
fromthe typical 4mmID to a new1mmID.
This reductionof deadvolume in
the injectionport reduces peakbroadening. Initial resultswithSiltek indicate
improved reproducibilityandbetter inertness to explosive residues than
Most sample residue canbe solvent rinsedoff of
Siltek, allowing the sleeve to be reusedwithout theneed for re-deactivation.
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