RtxPresentations07 - page 316-317

Cool On-column Injection
While fewlaboratories routinelyuse cool on-column injectionports because of
the perceptionof highmaintenance, it has several advantages over direct
injection for the analysis of explosives.
These advantages include complete
sample transfer into the column via a highly inert pathwayand reduced peak
For thosewithmore questions about on-column injectionports, JackCochran,
LECOCorporation, will bepresenting a talkon on-column injection ports and
explosives analysis.
TuesdayMorning, Room261, 8:30AM, (428)
NewTools for theAnalysis of Explosives: AnOn-column InjectionLiner
for aPTVInlet, TwoTNTGCColumns, andaGas
Chromatograph/Time-of-FlightMass Spectrometer.
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