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Click to Quickly Translate Methods

and Calculate Flows

Fresh from winning a 2014

TASIA (The Analytical Scientist

Innovation Awards), the new


GC® method translator and

flow calculator makes it sim-

ple to switch carrier gases, to

change column dimensions

or detectors, or to optimize a

method for greater efficiency

and shorter analysis times. Simply enter your original method speci-

fications to receive a full set of translation conditions that provide

similar chromatography. Results include oven program and run time

as well as average velocity, flow rate, splitless valve time, and other

parameters—all in an easy-to-use, single-screen interface.

Available for online use or download, these free tools are the lat-

est addition to the


GC® method development suite, already well

known for the analyst-favorite


GC® chromatogram modeler.

Save yourself hours of calculations, guesswork, and trial-and-error:

Make the award-winning


GC® suite your go-to resource for

method development.

Turn to page 8 to see it in action and then try it yourself at

Fortify or Calibrate for 203 Pesticides

by GC-MS/MS with this Single Restek



Get Raptor

Speed, Efficiency, and

Ruggedness in 2.7 and 5 µm C18

Raptor™ LC columns launchedwith the time-tested Restek® Biphenyl

and the acid-resistant ARC-18 phases on 2.7 µm particles. Now, this

new species of column has grown to include 5 µm particles and a

general-purpose C18 phase.

Every LC lab has a cache of C18s, but while the chemistry may

be similar, every C18 is not created equal. The traditional end-

capped Raptor™ C18 offers the highest hydrophobic retention of

any Raptor™ phase, and it is compatible with a wide range of mobile

phases (pH 2–8). This new phase offers consistently excellent data

quality in less time acrossmyriad reversed-phase applications, matri-

ces, and compound classes. When you need a general-purpose LC

column, don’t just grab any C18. Choose the speed, efficiency, and

long-lasting ruggedness of the new Raptor™ C18 SPP LC column.

Like the C18, all Raptor™ phases are now available on both 2.7

and 5 µm particles. Raptor™ 5 μm particles provide the benefits of

SPP without the significant increase in pressure. Their improved

efficiency and sensitivity help you easily and significantly speed

up existing methods on systems that

simply cannot handle smaller 2.7 μm

core-shell particles. To increase sample

throughput and productivity on your

existing 400-bar HPLC system, 5 μm

Raptor™ columns are a perfect choice.

(See page 6 for more information

on choosing between 2.7 and 5 µm

Raptor™ particles.)

Experience Selectivity Accelerated with Raptor™ SPP LC columns.

GC-MS/MS is the technique of choice for analyzing pesticide resi-

dues in many fruits, vegetables, botanicals, and herbals like tea,

ginseng, ginger, Echinacea, and dietary supplements. And Restek's

new GC-MS/MS pesticide reference standards kit contains over two

hundred compounds pulled from the food safety lists of the FDA,

USDA, and other global agencies.

This stock, comprehensive set joins the 204-compound LC-MS/MS kit

in Restek's lineup of world-class certified reference materials (CRMs)

for multiresidue pesticide analysis. Formulated and quantitatively

tested for maximum long-term stability, both kits feature detailed

support documentation and a free optimized method; the down-

loadable XLS files include conditions and transition tables.

No more long nights or weekends in the lab. No more custom stan-

dards. Restek's food safety chemists can help you make quick work of

getting the accurate results you need.

Rxi®-1301Sil MS GC Columns

Provide the Selectivity you

need without the Bleed

Cyano stationary phases provide more retention of

polar compounds than 5-type columns; however,

they are prone to high bleed and poor robustness.

New Rxi®-1301Sil MS GC columns from Restek offer true cyano phase

selectivity along with the highest thermal stability in the indus-

try, which ensures you get dependable, accurate MS results and

increased uptime.

In addition to providing both stable 1301 selectivity and the low-

est bleed/highest temperature limits available, the Rxi®-1301Sil MS

column is designed to provide maximum inertness. Each column is

tested with a QC mix that includes both acidic and basic probes to

ensure inertness across multiple compound classes. Greater column

inertness improves peak shape and response, ensuring more accu-

rate quantitative results.

Try this top-performing, 1301-type column today and improve the

performance of existing methods for solvents, glycols, and other

polar compounds!