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Maxxam Analytics’HRMS team (left to right):

Owen Cosby, Kay Shaw, and Angel Guerrero.

Maxxam Analytics recently presented a

Kaizen award to their High Resolution Mass

Spectrometry (HRMS) Department at the

Mississauga laboratory in Ontario. The award rec-

ognized process improvements made possible

by switching to a Restek Rtx®-Dioxin2 column to

increase instrument capacity.

The Mississauga lab analyzes drinking water for

2,3,7,8-TCDD only using EPA Method 1613. They

had been analyzing these short-list samples on the

same instrument used for full-list PCDD/PCDF and

PCB congeners, which limited their capacity. Maxxam had also confirmed the presence of

2,3,7,8-TCDF using a different column on another instrument. Since the Rtx®-Dioxin2 column

provides isomer specificity for both 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8 TCDF and has high temperature

stability, the HRMS group explored using it for both 2,3,7,8-TCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDF.

By moving to an Rtx®-Dioxin2 column (cat.# 10758),

they optimized the TCDD-only analysis and reduced

run time from 50 to 30 minutes! (EPA 1613 requires

a minimum retention time for the labeled 1,2,3,4-

TCDD of 25 minutes, so results were close to ideal.)

The analysis time for the TCDF confirmation analysis

was not significantly reduced, but run cycle time was

decreased by taking advantage of the column’s 340 °C

thermal stability, resulting in lower estimated detec-

tion limits and less bleed compared to the columns they had used previously. In addition,

the higher maximum programmable temperature allows analysts to use high-temperature

holds and reduce the potential for carryover contamination.

Questions From You

Our Technical Service specialists field an

astounding variety of questions from our

customers. Today’s featured topic is a Restek

innovation that extends the life of your inlet

seal: the reversible Flip Seal™ inlet seal.


Are there recommended GC

inlet liner types for use with Flip

Seal™ inlet seals?


Restek recommends a 4 mm ID Sky™

single taper liner with wool (cat.# 23303.1)

for splitless injections and a 4 mm ID Sky™

Precision® liner with wool (cat.# 23305.1)

for split injections. The thoroughly deacti-

vated Sky™ wool provides excellent sample

homogenization during either splitless or split

injection, which increases repeatability and

accuracy. In addition, wool keeps liquid sam-

ple from being deposited on the inlet seal,

where contact with hot metal can degrade

thermally sensitive compounds, or where less

volatile, higher molecular weight compounds

of interest can be lost. Wool also protects the

GC column from non-volatile sample “dirt,”

preserving the column’s chromatographic

performance, especially for difficult to analyze


We just released a full FAQ on the Flip Seal™

inlet seal! The answers to all of your questions

can be found at


Jack Cochran

Director of New Business & Technology

Wrestling with a question of your own?

Call 1-800-356-1688, ext. 4, or e-mail


Restek is Expanding!

In the past year, we were fortunate enough to welcome dozens of talented employee-owners

to Restek as we continue to grow and fill newly created positions. We wanted to specifically

highlight a few of them here since you will likely meet them at events, talk to them on the

phone, or read one of their articles in this issue. We’re looking forward to working with them

and developing new analytical solutions for you!

Another Restek Success Story:

Maxxam Analytics Group

Receives Award After Switching

to the Rtx®-Dioxin2 Column

“Using the Rtx®-Dioxin2 column…

we shortened run times, reduced

instrument downtime and column

changes, and increased instrument

capacity for our full-list samples.”

-Owen Cosby, Maxxam Analytics

Scott Adams | GC Accessories Product Marketing


Eisho Beythaji | Pacific Northwest Field Sales


Paul Connolly | LC Product Marketing Manager

Chris Denicola | LC Market Research Manager

Thi Do | Southwest Field Sales Representative

Jason Herrington | Air Innovations Chemist

Tim Hines | VP of Operations

Ravindra Rane | New England Field Sales


Chris Rattray | Environmental Innovations Chemist

Nancy Schwartz | Technical Service Specialist

Charles“Chas”Simons | Technical Service Manager

Trent Sprenkle | Corporate Account Representative

Interested in joining our team?

Check out


Since the lab was able to run both the TCDD-

only and TCDF confirmation analyses on the

Rtx®-Dioxin2 column, they were able to use

the same instrument for both analyses, allow-

ing more full-list dioxin and PCB samples to

be analyzed on the other instrument. Learn

more about Rtx®-Dioxin2 columns at

Do you have a Restek success

story to share?


or call your Restek representative!