FlowControlProducts 014 - page 32-33

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11.0Volumetricvs.mass flowmeasurements
TheRestekProFLOW6000 is a volumetric flowmeasurement device.Volumetric flow is themeasure-
ment of the volumeof gas through a conveyanceper quantityof time. Standardunits ofmeasure for
this parameter are given inmL/min.The advantageofmeasuring volumetric flow is its independence to
the compositionof the flow gas. It is not necessary to correct the flow values basedon the gas composi-
tion, as is required formass flowdevices.
Mass flowmeasures theweight of the gas flowing through the instrument per quantityof time.Mass
flowunits ofmeasure are commonly g/sec.
12.0Bubble flowmetermeasurements
If you employbubble flowmeters in your laboratory, youmay find they give slightlydifferent flow rate
values than theRestekProFLOW6000.This error is due to technology limitations inherent in thebub-
ble flowmeter device; error from variances in air humiditywithin thebubble chamber and its direct
contribution to themeasured flow rate. In the event abubble flowmeter is used tomeasure flow gas
where the gas is at elevated temperatures, the error due tohumidity contributions canbe extreme. For
themost accuratemeasurement of laboratory gas flow rates,we recommendusing theRestekProFLOW
6000over bubble flowmeters.
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