FlowControlProducts 014 - page 46-47

5.0 Prior toOperation
Verify the operationof the LeakDetector before eachuse by sampling gas from aGC split vent, or other source of hydrogenor
helium.Also, visually inspect the probe tip, reference gas inlet, and exhaust port for obstructions (Figure 1).
Fittings being checkedmust be clean anddry; liquid leakdetecting agents, dust, andother debrismay damage
the LeakDetector if drawn into the probe.
The LeakDetector responds to almost any gas you can smell, andmany gases that you can’t smell. Solvent vapors, split vent
exhaust, or even strong air currents around the probe or reference inlet can cause instability or false positive readings. Be care-
ful not tobreathe into the reference inlet when checking for leaks or to cover/block the inlet with your hand.
6.0 DetectingLeaks
Slowlymove the probe tip around fittings andother potential leak sources. If the LeakDetector senses a gas other than air, the
LEDbar graphwill begin to light, and an alarmwill soundwhen the last LED light illuminates. The redLED lights indicate
helium andhydrogen leaks. The yellowLED lights indicate a nitrogen, argon, or carbondioxide leak. Remove the probe from
the vicinity of the leak and allow the unit to return to zero. If a large amount of gas has entered the probe, itmay take a few
seconds for the instrument to clear itself. Please donot attempt to zero the unit while it is clearing out the gas from the probe.
Thismay cause the unit tomalfunction. Place the probe near the leak again to confirm its location. The reference gas inlet
(Figure 1)must not be restrictedor the unit will not operate correctly. Similarly, the exhaust port allows the gas being tested to
exit the LeakDetector andmust remainunobstructed. The exhaust port is located in the probe docking station.
This unit is
designed for determining leaks of combustible gases. A combustible gas detector shouldbe used
for determining combustible gas leaks in a hazardous environment.
7.0 Specifications
: 12VoltsDC (battery charger supplied)
:One yearwarranty.
: 6hours normal operation
: CE and Japan
OperatingTemp. Range
: 32°–120°F (0°–48°C)
: 0–97%
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