FlowControlProducts 014 - page 44-45

2.0 BatteryCharging:
Onlyuse theuniversal chargerprovided.TheLeakDetector shouldbe fullychargedprior touse.Whentheunit’s charge is low, the
greenbattery indicatorLEDlightwill begintoblinkwhentheunit ispoweredup(Figure1).TheLeakDetector cannotbeusedduring
3.0 PoweringUp
Depress andhold the power button (Figure 1) until the unit
respondswith thewake-upmode. The leakdetectorwill run
through a self-calibration sequence for approximately 15
seconds.During this time
attempt to zero the unit.
4.0 ZeroingtheUnit
After theLEDlights stopflashing, theunit is ready foruse.The
instrumentmayneedtobezeroedperiodicallybetweenuses, espe-
cially if it ismovedfromroomtoroom,orbetweenareasof dif-
fering temperatureorhumidity.Donot attempt tozerotheunit
while theprobe is stored intheholder.Theprobe
removedfromthe storagecontainerbeforezeroing theunit.Tore-
zero,press theZeroswitch.Theunitwill runa self-calibration
sequence for approximately4seconds.Whenall LEDlights stop
flashingandthegreenLEDlight is lit, theunit is ready foruse.
: To avoid false readings, donot attempt touse the unit while the self calibration sequence is inprogress.
Unit statuswhile engagedwith
Charge LED
thewall charger Condition
Pre-charge qualification
(immediately following plug-in)
1Hz flash
Unit is charging
Continuous on
Unit is fully charged Off
NOTE: Replacement of the rechargeable cells in this unit is performed at the factory.
There are no serviceable parts in this unit. Opening the case or tamperingwith the
internal partswill void the factory warranty.
LeakDetector schematic.
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